# Registration

# How to Register onto the Cosmos Chain Registry

# Purpose

The Cosmos Chain Registry is used as a single source of truth and is used to look up chain and asset data

# Prerequisites

# Requirements

  • Chain data--metadata, locations, network addresses, etc.
  • Asset data--metadata, such as name, symbol, minimal denomination, decimal precision, etc.
  • Basic understanding of GitHub, knowing how to fork a repository, create a branch, commit changes, and submit a Pull Request

# Steps

  1. Review the Cosmos Chain Registry (opens new window) docs:
    1. README.md (opens new window)
    2. chain.schema.json (opens new window)
    3. assetlist.schema.json (opens new window)
  2. Submit a pull request with necessary changes to the following:
    • chain.json:
      • Be sure to include bech32_prefix
        • e.g., "bech32_prefix": "cosmos",
      • Be sure to include slip44 (coin type)
        • e.g., "slip44": 118,
      • Be sure to include at least one RPC and one REST under apis
      • For explorers, opt for Mintscan, if available
    • assetlists.json:
      • The name of an asset refers to how the asset should be called in persoanl communication, while symbol is like a stock ticker, typically in ALL CAPS, and these values may differ.
        • e.g., "name": graviton, "display": "graviton", "symbol": "GRAV"
      • Be sure to include the CoinGecko ID for each asset where one exists
        • e.g., "coingecko_id": "cosmos"

# How to Register an Asset onto the Osmosis Assetlists Registry

# Purpose

The Osmosis Assetlists Registry is used as a local source of truth for assets displayed on Osmosis' front end.

# Prerequisites

# Requirements

  • Designate IBC Connection details:
    • Source channel (Osmosis' channel to the registering chain)
    • Destination channel (Registering chain's channel to Osmosis)
  • Asset data:
    • IBC denomination (when the asset is transferred to Osmosis, the base denomination looks like "ibc/...")
      • E.g., For ATOM: "base": "ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2",
    • Name, symbol, exponent, etc.
    • CoinGecko ID (optional, but should be included if and when there is one)
  • Token Logo Image files (both .png and .svg is recommended)
  • Basic understanding of GitHub, knowing how to fork a respository, create a branch, commit changes, and submit a Pull Request

# Steps

  1. Review the Osmosis Assetlists Registry (opens new window) docs:
    1. README.md (opens new window)
    2. assetlist.schema.json (opens new window)
  2. Submit a pull request with necessary changes to the following:
    • osmosis-1/osmosis-frontier.assetlist.json:
      • Be sure to include the CoinGecko ID if one exists
    • images/
      • Add token logo images

# How to Register a bech32 Prefix onto SLIP173

# Purpose

CosmosSDK Chain addresses can be represented with a chain-specific string preceding a hash, which helps identify to which chain an address belongs. They are registered on SLIP173 (opens new window)

# Prerequisites

  • Chain configured to use bech32 prefixes in wallet addresses
    • Note: A bech32 prefix may still be registered, even before the chain is configured to use the prefixes, but only if the configuration will happen soon.

# Requirements

  • Chain data:
    • Chain name
    • Chain website
    • bech32 prefix(es)
      • Mainnet
      • Testnet (optional)
      • Regtest (optional)
      • Note: The bech32 prefix must be unique among all registered prefixes. E.g., a new mainnet prefix cannot match a prefix already registered as a testnet prefix.
  • Basic understanding of GitHub, knowing how to fork, create a branch, commit changes, and submit a Pull Request

# Steps

  1. Review the SLIP173 Registry (opens new window):
  2. Submit a pull request with necessary changes to the following:
    • slip-0173.md:
      • Add the chain name (as a link to the website) and prefix(es) into the Registered human-readable parts table

# How to Enlist an Asset onto CoinGecko

# Purpose

CoinGecko (CoinGecko.com) is cryptocurrency price aggregator which can provide asset price data directly to Osmosis Zone via API. Check out their FAQ (opens new window) to learn more.

Osmosis embraces CoinGecko price feeds and prioritizes CoinGecko prices over Osmosis pool spot prices on Osmosis Zone. If as asset is not yet registered on CoinGecko, it should aim to do so. This procedure will guide project administrators to register their Asset onto CoinGecko.

# Prerequisites

  • Chain mainnet is live

From coingecko.com/en/methodology (opens new window):

  • Working, functional website that has sufficient information on cryptoasset that is being listed. Websites with no information on purpose, team or social media profiles will be considered as invalid.
    • Website must be owned by the project/maintaining team. Websites hosted on website builders (i.e Wix) will not be accepted.
  • Working block explorer
  • Listed on at least one (1) active exchanges where CoinGecko is integrated with.

# Requirements

  • Asset data:
    • Name (e.g., 'Cosmos Hub')
    • ID (e.g., 'cosmos')
    • Symbol (e.g., 'ATOM')
    • Circulating Supply
    • Total Supply
    • Osmosis Address (i.e., the 'ibc/...' denom on Osmosis)

# Steps

  1. Review CoinGecko's Methodology page (opens new window)
    1. Pay special attention to the following sections:
      • 'Listings',
      • 'Listing Criteria',
      • 'Do's and Don'ts for Listing Submission', and
      • 'Listing Process Flow'
  2. Fill in and submit a 'CoinGecko Request Form' (a current link can be found on their 'Methodology' page)